Meta-B Leadership Technology
Sticky Behaviour Change for Better Business Results in 90 days
Uplevel Your Leadership, Let's ChatYou should expect more from leadership development
It’s not that the current paradigm isn’t providing any value. Leaders are becoming more self-aware, acquiring useful ideas, and building deeper relationships with peers.
But extensive research from Forbes, Harvard, McKinsey, DDI and Shane Ram Coaching demonstrates that despite the billions of dollars spent every year on learning, lasting behavior change, and measurable business results remain elusive.
Our Meta-Behaviour (Meta-B) Leadership Technology delivers:
- Sticky changes in leadership behavior
- Measurable business results
- A transformation of learning’s impact and brand inside your company
It’s a game-changing process that’s worked again and again across numerous companies—and it’s ready to go to work for you.
Uplevel Your Leadership, Let's Chat

You’re doing the best you can, but…
Your senior leaders have high expectations: they require real behavior change and measurable business results in return for their significant investments of time and money.
That’s a tall order for even the most capable, experienced learning executives—but our field hasn’t equipped you with the reliable methods you need to do truly transformative work.
The consequence? Your learning programs and initiatives may be extremely vulnerable — just one profit warning, leadership change, or priority shift away from having your budget cut or role reduced.
Let’s flip the script and make sure your work is treated as the sacred trust it deserves to be.
Discover A Different Approach
Meta-B Method Leadership Technology is a practical and transformative leadership development and problem-solving methodology that fuses Shane’s experience as a coach and C-Suite Executive, head of a corporate university, analysis of corporate learning programs and the latest neuroscience and neurobiology research and findings.
It reliably and measurably delivers two outcomes: significant, sticky changes in behavior and better business results.

The Results of using Meta-B are Leaders who:

Meta-B works because of it's unique features:
Experience the difference of Meta-B Leadership Technology
Increase the capacity of your organization by increasing the capacity of your leaders! Whether you’re looking for development that builds your top leadership teams or you need to empower your leaders to coach and develop their own teams, we have you covered.