Emotional Intelligence is Spiritual
Dec 02, 2024Who and what pushes your buttons?
Are these random situations or have you noticed a pattern?
If you simply hope that these people and situations go away or change their behaviours you might be missing out on a great opportunity, a spiritual opportunity.
A spiritual opportunity?
Let me explain.
We come here on earth with what Gary Zukov calls splintered souls and our purpose here is the healing of the splintered soul.
Some think that the work to do that involves retreating to some quiet area and meditate for long periods of time and then come back totally elevated to operate in the real world.
Yet others are completely oblivious of their real purpose and work thinking of life as just random occurrences which they just have to adjust to.
While quiet and meditation are extremely powerful, it is critical to note that we can continue to heal the splintered soul in our everyday interactions, both personally and professionally.
Essentially, emotional intelligence is the ability to sense our emotions (IN THE MOMENT) and manage our behaviours which our emotions might trigger.
Old school Emotional Intelligence suggests that it is not important to know why these emotions are there but I believe that there is very useful information in knowing why.
'Negative' emotions come up to indicate to us what needs to be healed. These seemingly unwanted situations and people are really opportunities to heal the splintered parts of our souls. Using spiritual language, these 'negative situations represent the DARKNESS which presents an opportunity for you to shine your LIGHT (your true nature of peace, kindness, patience, love etc).
If you miss the opportunity to shine your LIGHT, you will be presented with other situations that PUSH YOUR BUTTONS so that you could evolve into that higher version of you. The version of you that people will see as a leader, as someone who can control their emotions, as someone who can remain calm in the face of serious challenges.
Isn't that who you want to be?
When we are able to sense our anger, frustration, anxiety etc and not deny it or push it away and focus on something else, we are on the cusp of transformation.
Emotional Intelligence encourages us to PAUSE when we feel those 'negative' emotions. Breathing and counting to 10 are easy ways to create that PAUSE.
PAUSING gives us the opportunity and time to consciously choose how we respond.
Consciously choosing to behave in a way that reflects our higher nature (peace, kindness, truth, abundance etc) literally heals parts of our splintered souls.
When we are constantly confronted with these patterns and circumstances and we PAUSE and see it as an opportunity to respond differently, and do respond differently, you will find that these patterns and circumstances begin to disappear.
It is an indication that you would have healed a splintered part of your soul.
You would have transcended those people and situations.
I hope that you see Emotional Intelligence as more than just a skillset to acquire in your career growth and success but also in your spiritual growth and success.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Shane Ram