Diamonds or Greener Grass?
May 16, 2018Are you a professional with as least 10 years experience?
Are you in an organisation that does not value your knowledge and experience?
Are you in an organisation that does not pay you as well as your qualifications and experience warrant?
Do you prefer Diamonds or Greener Grass?
I see many qualified and experienced professionals who are highly under paid and overworked.
I also see many of these professionals looking for other jobs hoping that the GRASS IS GREENER somewhere else. Hoping that they get a better boss, a better company culture and better pay and benefits.
While there may be better pay and benefits, it is very rare that one will find great leadership and great culture.
How can I say that? Well the latest research shows that the #1 Challenge for many learning and development departments is still leadership and the #1 reason why people leave organisations is that they leave bad bosses.
So the Grass is not really greener on the other side.
I suggest that you go for diamonds instead.
Russell Conwell, President of Temple University, Yale Graduate and Baptiste Minister, had a famous speech called ACRES OF DIAMONDS. There are many versions of the story, but the concept is the same.
There was a farmer (Farmer A) in Africa who heard that there were acres of diamonds in Africa. He did not see any around where he was so he sold his farm to go look for Diamonds elsewhere.
Farmer B also heard that there were Acres of Diamonds in Africa so he bought the farm from Farmer A.
Farmer A went all over Africa looking for diamonds. He did not find any, got frustrated and eventually killed himself.
Meanwhile. Farmer B started to read a lot of books on diamonds and basically mastered his knowledge and expertise in Diamonds. One day while on this chair on the verandah of the farmhouse he noticed that a shrub that typically grows in soil that is formed around diamonds.
So he started to dig and eventually he found one big diamond. He started to dig all over the farm and found that he was on ACRES of DIAMONDS.
The moral of the story is that we are all standing on our own ACRES OF DIAMONDS, but many are still looking for GREENER GRASS some where else.
Farmer A never bothered to become an avid learner, an expert in diamonds. If the did, he would have found acres of diamonds right where he was. Most people don't value what they have and they do not hone their skills enough to spot their own ACRES OF DIAMONDS.
I believe that if you have at least 10 years experience in a professional environment or field and better yet if you have some managerial experience that you are standing on your own ACRES OF DIAMONDS. You just need to become a persistent learner in your field, an expert.
Daring Business Builders Masters Class is for qualified professionals who want to utilise their knowledge and unique abilities to create a profitable business that creates wealth for them and their families.
It is to help people find their own ACRES OF DIAMONDS and create a proper business around it.
This upcoming class is limited to on 12 persons and we have a rigorous selection process. This is not for everyone.
Its a 3-month program that can be done from anywhere in the world.
The program uses the Ultimate Learning Experience where combine Group Online Masters Classes and Personalsied One on One Coaching to gurantee you get results.
Get more details and apply now at https://www.shaneram.com/p/dbbm
Remember, Don't Settle for 7 - GO FOR 10!
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Shane Ram
Shane Ram is an Executive and Life Coach, HR Consultant, author and a sought after global keynote speaker. He is the CEO of STEP HR Consulting, Founder of Scientific Happiness, Property Investor, Founder of Don’t Settle for 7 – Go For 10. Shane works with CEOs, corporations, 6-7 Figure business owners and entrepreneurs to increase revenue, grow their businesses and live more fulfilling lives.
Shane works with CEOs, executives, corporations and entrepreneurs to grow their business and their lives. His strikingly effective coaching process shows individuals and corporate teams how to create the personal lives they want while becoming a megastar at work. To book a time to speak with Shane go to https://meetme.so/shaneram. To book Shane for events and seminars go to www.shaneram.com or www.stepadvisors.net, call 1-868-351-5000 or email at [email protected]