Denial, Resignation or Purpose?
Nov 01, 2019Which of these three paths are you on?
This article is the third in a series articles. It would be very useful to read the first two articles to understand the context of this article and to maximise any benefit that you may receive from it 1)- https://www.shaneram.com/blog/the-tale-of-two-mountains and 2) https://www.shaneram.com/blog/your-mission-should-you-choose-to-accept-it
Are you in Denial that there is a second mountain of purpose, impact, fulfilment etc?
Have you Resigned to the fact that you will continue to struggle for the rest of your life living on the first mountain?
Or have you already decided to leave the first mountain and climb the second and live a life of Purpose, Impact and Fulfilment?
There are three usual paths that people take when they realise that they were climbing the wrong mountain - Denial, Resignation or Purpose.
Denial - These people act as if they don't know that the second mountain exists. To fill the hole, they keep up appearances. This is usually costly from a financial perspective as they have to attend all the 'must be seen at events', buy the latest everything and often cosmetics and cosmetic surgery.
They obviously remain unfulfilled and often leads to a life of regret, depression and suicide.
Resignation - These people have resigned their life to one of struggle on the first mountain. They often see the second mountain but say 'Yes a life of purpose is great but I got a mortgage and school fees to pay'. Their lives are usually very mundane.
They let themselves go and often gain weight. Weight gain often leads to many other health, relational and mental challenges.
They may go to the gym, pick up yoga and meditation but they are usually still not very happy with life.
Purpose - These people heed The Call. The Call is too loud to ignore. The burst of purpose energy cannot be contained. They embark on the journey to create a life of purpose, meaning, impact, fulfilment, guilt-free leisure and higher consciousness.
Your mission should YOU choose to accept it is to live a life of Significance, build and grow your business that replaces your income plus have more meaning, impact and purpose while having more free time for the people and things your enjoy.
You can decide at anytime and at any age to climb the second mountain.
If you need a hand to start your journey on the second mountain, you can book a Breakthrough Strategy Session with me personally to help you make the most critical next strategic move for the business and life you desire - https://meetme.so/ShaneRam
Don't Settle, Go For 10
Shane Ram
Shane Ram is an Executive and Life Coach, HR Consultant, author and a sought after global keynote speaker. He helps successful female executives and entrepreneurs to leverage their expertise to create a legacy brand/product/cause that positively impacts humanity so that they have more fulfilling lives with time, emotional and financial freedom.
Shane's strikingly effective coaching process shows individuals and corporate teams how to create the personal lives they want while becoming a megastar at work. To book a time to speak with Shane go to https://go.oncehub.com/ShaneRam. To book Shane for events and seminars go to www.shaneram.com or call 1-868-351-5000 or email at [email protected]
He is also the CEO and Founder of Go For 10, a company that provides transformational education for all ages, through mediums that range from digital publishing, educational technology, online learning, content, events and more. We stand for ideas that enable people to be extraordinary and impact lives. www.igofor10.com