4 Traumatic Effects of Covid-19 on Professionals
Mar 26, 2020Covid-19 has had and will continue to have a profound impact on the world.
Many professionals will be hit hard by the effects of the virus but if managed properly, can turn the challenge into an opportunity.
4 Traumatic Effects of Covid-19 on Professionals
- Job Loss
- Money Challenges
- Business Failure
- Unexpected Illness to self or loved one
Trauma is not a well understood topic but most people have gone through it either in childhood or in adult life. Unfortunately if not dealt with, trauma stays with you for life and often shows up at the most inopportune times.
Most people either deny the trauma or don't think it affects them today.
Examples of trauma in childhood and adulthood
When trauma occurs, people normally adopt negative coping mechanisms or Protective Patterns.
The most common Protective Patterns are:
- Procrastination - delaying doing important things.
- Playing Small - doing things way below your potential.
- Perfectionism - waiting on the perfect time, economy, age, situation to act.
- FOPO - worrying about what other people might think.
- Staying in Toxic Relationships
- Addictions - social media, news, work, sex, alcohol, drugs, shopping etc
- Doubting Yourself
So what can professionals do to avoid protect themselves through the trauma?
5 Steps to Staying Positive and Act
- Catch Your Protective Patterns
- Identify the Story/Thought/Belief
- Is it Positive or Negative? Usually Negative/Protective
- Choose Powerful Thoughts vs Protective Thoughts
- ACT!
Trauma affects the nervous system and it responds by thinking it is going to die. So when we don't catch it, the nervous system will process the job loss (for example) as I lost my job, therefore I will have no income and I will not be able to eat so I will die. Based on these 'irrational' thoughts, the system goes into Survival Mode and Protective Patterns.
Once you are able to catch your protective patterns, you want to identity the thoughts and stories that are behind them. You would usually find that they are irrational and sometimes simply untrue.
We can then choose a Powerful Thought. These can include:
- I can always get another job.
- This is a great time to start my business.
- I will get through this, I have support or can get support
- How can I see the opportunity in this difficulty?
- Now I have the time to do .........
Most importantly, you must ACT. Results only comes from action. When you ACT you actually begin to FEEL Better and the positive cycle of action > emotion > thought continues and you build positive momentum.
When you use these 5 Steps continuously, you will begin to re-wire your brain so that taking a positive outlook, even in the most dire of situations, become normal and natural to you.
If you display any of the protective patterns above, you most likely would have suffered some form of trauma and it is important to be able to find the ROOT CAUSE because it will keep back your success.
You may have picked up on your Protective Patterns before and tried many programs and courses and while they may have been useful it was working on the wrong thing.
To help you identify the Root Cause you can do this free training. https://www.shaneram.com/t-word-replay-registration
If you have 12 years professional experience and you want to start your knowledge-based business, (online and offline) that gives you time to enjoy the people and things you love then check out this resource https://www.igofor10.com/dbbm
Stay well.
Shane Ram is an Executive and Life Coach, HR Consultant, author and a sought after global keynote speaker. He helps successful female executives and entrepreneurs to leverage their expertise to create a legacy brand/product/cause that positively impacts humanity so that they have more fulfilling lives with time, emotional and financial freedom.
Shane's strikingly effective coaching process shows individuals and corporate teams how to create the personal lives they want while becoming a megastar at work. To book a time to speak with Shane go to https://go.oncehub.com/ShaneRam. To book Shane for events and seminars go to www.shaneram.com or call 1-868-351-5000 or email at [email protected]
He is also the CEO and Founder of Go For 10, a company that provides transformational education for all ages, through mediums that range from digital publishing, educational technology, online learning, content, events and more. We stand for ideas that enable people to be extraordinary and impact lives. www.igofor10.com